Condensed Version - See MicroSoft Word file for full details
Program by John Robbins
• 941026 •
A utility application for those measuring the Earth and/or other Planets.
Once you've grasped the concepts discussed in the section on General Theory (given in the MS Word Read-Me file), then using the application is pretty much self evident. Upon launching the application, the user is faced with two sets of buttons. Those on the left side of the window define the task to be performed and those on the right side define the ellipsoid to be used (or specified). If you forget to choose an ellipsoid, and one is needed for the task you've selected, then a reminder window will ask you to select an ellipsoid. The steps are quite simple.
Step 1: Select which task to perform from the set of buttons on the left.
Step 2: Choose which ellipsoid to use (not needed for baseline calculations if you are working in Cartesian coordinates).
Step 3: Enter in coordinates into appropriate fields. Be sure to select the appropriate units (e.g., decimal degrees, degrees-minutes-seconds or X, Y, Z)
Step 4: Click the "Calculate" button and read answers in appropriate fields.
Step 5: To quit the program, either click on the "Quit" button or select "Quit" from the File menu.
Thats all there is to it!
What's New in Version 2.3a?
Version 2.3a is an upgrade from 2.2 in that:
(1) - the window refresh is fully operational.
(2) - erroneous results in output fields are elminated by using formatted print statements.
(3) - added the capability to compute the location of a distant point given the location
of the starting point and the distance and azimuth (or bearing) to second point.
(4) - provided smoother interface. Tab keys move from field to field. Carriage returns
operate highlighted buttons.
He can be reached via e-mail at the following addresses: or
Regular mail can be sent to
John Robbins
Hughes STX Corp.
7701 Greenbelt Road, Suite 400
Greenbelt, MD 20770 USA
Please notify him if you discover bugs or suspect incorrect answers.
Legal Junk:
The FutureBasic™ version of Coordinates 2.3a was derived from a QuickBasic™ version on the author's own time and reflects upon only the opinions and expertise of the author. Neither the author nor Hughes STX can be held liable for any defects or deficiencies: i.e., use at your own risk. I have done my best to verify the results which this application produces, but I can not be held responsible for faulty results that others may get. This software is available for free distribution, but if you pass it along, please be sure this Read-Me file goes with the application.